Friday, 17 February 2023

The story of the great Hero Pradyumna..

 Long ago there lived a little kid in India.He was a normal kid but no one knew he was born to save the univers.One day he was riding his cycle and then he saw a shooting star.He was confused because that shooting star didn’t look like a shooting star.The boy quickly followed the shooting star and it landed on a small hill.The boy quickly climbed the hill and saw a mistirious whatch.When the boy were the whatch SUDDENLY!the little boy got a super power.But the boy didn’t realise that he got a superpower.He was scared and quickly went home and sat for dinner.When the mother asked ‘where have you been for such a long time’the boy studderd ‘I-I was a-at my f-f-friends house’ then the mother got very suspicious  and quietly ate the dinner.later at night when everyone was asleep the mother Asha went to the boys room and looked at his body and she saw the mysterious whatch again.Asha quickly whoke up the kid and asked him about the whatch.Then kid told everything that happened with him.Asha was shocked!and tried to open the whatch but it was no use and suddenly!the whatch switched on and told the kid ‘you are the chosen one;you have got an elemental power earth;lightning;wind and so much more but you need to learn how to control your power’.From then the training begins and the kid learns a few moves as well.He learnt 3 elements first element is can use two attacks.The first attack is lightning speed.It is an attack that makes you go faster,Next is lightning sword.It is an attack which lets you use to swords that are made of lightning. Next is the element wind. It also has two attacks,The first attack is wind spear,It is a shield that can block any attack,Next is gale wind,it can trap anyone in a small tornado.Next is the element earth. It also has two attacks.The first attack is stone wall which makes a gaint wall made of stone,next is rock gloves. It makes stone gloves appear on both hands.One day the boy was at a function and was having a good time but suddenly a big tree looking like monster came and was crashing every single thing. The kid quickly hid and used his powers and used it against the monster. He first used lightning sword and speed and slashed   the monster as hard as possible but it did nothing and then the tree slapped the kid and he fell down near a table.The tree used it’s roots to hit the kid but the kid used it’s wind spear just in time. Then the kid used rock gloves on the tree and punched him so hard that he fell down and couldn’t get up.Then the kid used lightning sword and killed the monster tree and saved the people.But the people from that function saw everything and found out that the boy has a super power and crowded in front of the kid.The kid was scared to talk but the mother came and told the people to stay quiet but they didn’t listen to the mother and pushed her away.But then the father came and dragged the kid and the mother to their car and quickly drove away from the people.When they all reached home the father Prakash asked the kid and the mother ‘what is happening and how did your kid kill that giant tree looking like monster’.Then the mother  told everything that happened with the mother and the kid.The father was shocked and asked the whatch ‘why is my son the chosen one?’then the whatch replied ‘he is the chosen one because he has a kind heart and never got mad at anyone he would always agree to help others that’s why he is the chosen one’.